The parties concerned shall carry out the settlement agreement reached through conciliation; those who decline conciliation or those for whom conciliation has failed or those who have backed out of the settlement agreement may institute legal proceedings in a people's court. 当事人对调解达成的协议应当履行;不愿调解、调解不成或者反悔的,可以向人民法院起诉。
"Article 91 If no agreement is reached through conciliation or if either party backs out of the settlement agreement before the conciliation statement is served, the people's court shall render a judgment without delay." 第九十一条调解未达成协议或者调解书送达前一方反悔的,人民法院应当及时判决。第九章财产保全和先予执行
Where the creditor applies for conciliation, the peoples court shall notify the debtor upon receiving the application. 债权人申请和解的,人民法院在收到和解申请后,应当通知债务人。
As a way of mediating dispute, the conciliation of the law court plays an important role in China's civil action. 法院调解作为解决纠纷的方式之一在我国民事诉讼中占有重要的地位。
Analysis of the Return of the Court's Conciliation and Development Path& Reflection people's court mediation on Yongdeng county 法院调解的回归与发展路径解析&永登县人民法院调解工作引发的思考
Besides, current civil procedures should give legal effects of the conciliation agreements, making it become the foundation of the court enforcement. 同时,现行民事诉讼法应当赋予和解协议法律效力,使其成为人民法院执行的根据。
All above consist of the value of the conciliation of court. 这正是法院调解制度的价值所在。
Decode the conciliation in court 解读法院调解
Conflict quelling and accommodation purification in implementing conciliation of court 法院调解实现中的冲突化解与合意纯化
An Interpretation of Conciliation of Court from a Cultural Perspective 法院调解的文化解释
Section one briefly introduces four main forms of our ( international) commercial conciliation, that is, commercial conciliation in court, commercial conciliation in conciliation institution, commercial conciliation in arbitration institution and joint conciliation. 第一节简要介绍了我国(国际)商事调解的四种主要形式,即:法院的商事调解、调解机构的商事调解、仲裁机构的商事调解和联合调解。
The conciliation of court plays a very important role in the civil action of our country, and it is the main way in which the civil jurisdiction of court is applied. 法院调解在我国的民事诉讼中具有十分重要的地位,是我国法院民事审判权的主导性运作方式。
Reconsideration on Conciliation System of Court 调解制度的再思考
Conciliation System of the Court: Self-criticism and Reconstruction 法院调解制度:检讨与重构
Civil mediation document, as the final carrier reached by mediation or conciliation to resolve the dispute, it is not only the representation of the parties 'autonomy, but also the executive basis approved by the court. 民事调解书,作为调解或者和解所达成的纠纷解决的最终载体,它不仅是当事人双方意思自治的表示,也是经过法院认可的执行依据。
In this chapter, the author firstly analyzes the practice of court conciliation around the year of 2002, and reveals the reasons for the different treatment to court conciliation in practice. 本章中,笔者首先从2002年前后的法院调解实践情况分析,剖析法院调解在实践中的遭遇迥然不同的原因。